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My Last Dentist Botched My Veneers — Can You Help?

Veneers are popular for good reason—it’s a procedure that can hide flaws, change the appearance of your smile dramatically, and give you a natural look. Veneers are thin shells that are precisely placed on your teeth, covering them, and giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Stephen Hiroshige and his staff have two goals for each patient. The first is for you to enjoy excellent dental health, and the second is for you to be happy with the appearance of your smile. Regular check-ups and cleanings, filling cavities, and caring for your tooth roots are important for oral health, and sometimes veneers are the best way to achieve the second goal. 

Popularity brings danger

One of the problems with veneers is that they are so popular. That’s a problem because when something is popular it brings out people who are looking for a way to make money. One recent story in Forbes describes a group of people who describe themselves as “veneer techs.” 

Veneer techs are actually criminals, because they are doing dental work without a license. You simply can’t receive appropriate training in a short course about how to do veneers. The cosmetic industry is riddled with similar problems, like people offering Botox without appropriate training and licensing.

Why it’s dangerous

You may be wondering what’s so dangerous about veneers. If you’re having the procedure at a dentist’s office, it isn’t dangerous at all. But people who aren’t dentists may not understand how to sterilize equipment, and they can actually damage your teeth because some of your natural enamel must be removed.

Also, before you get veneers, you need to know that your teeth are healthy. If you have even a microscopic cavity, veneers essentially seal in infection.

Can botched veneers be fixed? 

The short answer is yes, which is good news. If you have veneers that are the wrong color, shape, or won’t stay on, Dr. Hiroshige can help. In fact, he’s happy to put his years of experience and extensive training to work in getting you the smile you want.

The process for correcting a problematic set of veneers is the same as if you initially came to our office. You’ll first have a consultation to discuss what you want and what you don’t like about your current dental situation.

Dr. Hiroshige will examine your mouth to assess your oral health. After that, he’ll make recommendations and work with you to create a plan that results in a beautiful smile that you love.

Schedule your appointment today, and let’s start correcting your botched veneers.

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