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What Can I Do If My Dentures Are Uncomfortable?

 What Can I Do If My Dentures Are Uncomfortable?

Making the decision to get dentures can feel challenging. If you decide to go through with it, then you get your dentures and don’t like them, you might feel defeated or believe you made the wrong choice.

Dr. Stephen Hiroshige and his staff want you to have excellent oral health, to be pleased with your smile, and also to feel comfortable. If your dentures rub, or you struggle to chew while wearing them, we might be able to help. 

First, expect to adjust

When you think about getting dentures, you think about the before and after. You probably don’t think too much about the transition time. First, your gums may be swollen and tender for a little while, making it difficult to know if your dentures fit well or not.

Once the swelling recedes, you may need to visit Dr. Hiroshige so that he can make necessary adjustments so to fit your dentures perfectly.

Even so, you may still find them uncomfortable at first. For most people, wearing dentures comfortably takes some time.

You may also need adjustments periodically over time as your gums and jawbones change. 


It may seem odd to think that wearing dentures requires practice, but it’s true. Use a mirror, and practice smiling, talking, laughing, and even chewing. That’ll help you get used to how your new dentures feel.

You might want to try reading aloud or recording yourself so that you can see what sounds right and what you need to practice a little more. 

Take breaks

Have you ever worn a new pair of shoes and thought they were uncomfortable, but the next time you wore them they felt better? Maybe they even became your favorite shoes after a while.

Your gums need time to get used to wearing dentures. They need to be tougher in some places than before. If you’ve been in for an adjustment, you might want to try wearing your dentures for a little longer each time you wear them. 

Consider an adhesive

Properly fitting dentures don’t require an adhesive, but you may find using one more comfortable, especially at first. Our staff is happy to make a recommendation for you.

Stick to a strict routine

Oral hygiene is just as important when you have dentures as it is for anyone else. Dr. Hiroshige will give you thorough instructions on how to best care for your dentures, but it’s important to soak them each night and to clean them completely before putting them in each morning.

You should also take care to clean and massage your gums and to clean your tongue daily. And, of course, you should continue having regular dental checkups! 

Get personalized care

Your mouth is as unique as the rest of you, and the best way to get questions about how your dentures should fit and feel is by talking to Dr. Hiroshige. An exam and inspection of your dentures gives him enough information to provide specific and personalized guidance.

Schedule your appointment today, so you can get comfortable with your dentures!

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